The best concert ever

 The best concert ever was my firts one. 

When I was 13, I went to de One Direction's concert with my friend Ninoska. We were in eighth grade and I asked my parents for a ticket as my birthday present. It took me some time, but I did it.

On may 31th, 2014, I didn't go to the school and early in the morning I got in line with Ninoska and thousands of other girls in the stadium. It was too cold and it was raining a little bit, but we were so happy and really excited that we didn't care. 

Although we were waiting for hours, we found ways to kill time. We slept on out seats and we ate the snacks that we hid from the guards at the entrance. Also, we talked, sang and danced with the girls who were next to us. 

When the concert started, I was speechless. was like an explosion of emotions. At the beginning I was singing and the next second I was sreaming while I was jumping, crying and dancing to all the band's songs. It was great.

Everytime that my friend Ninoska and I get together, we remember that day, because we defenitly enjoyed it a lot.


  1. omg at that age we were from enemies fandoms (justin bieber) haha but honestly this seems very fun and sweet, it altmost make me want to be there

  2. Hi María, when I was younger my biggest dream was went to a One Direction's concert, but I lived so far.

  3. ohh that's great, I still like One Direction but I started to like it after they broke up :(


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