
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2022


This picture was taken by my friend Catalina on my birthday five years ago. In the photo you can see my brother, my friend Daniela  and a mysterious arm pushing my head against the cake. It was a surprise birthday, but not so much because I already suspected everything. That year I wasn't planning to celebrate my birthday because it was too much work and I was too stressed out with High school and others things. That's why my friends plannet that surprise to cheer me up. They all got together and decorated my house with balloons and pictures of us. One of my friends made me walk around the center of Santiago to distract me (she made a terrible work to be honest haha). When I arrived at my house it was all hugs and laughter.  I had an incredible time with them and I forgot the bad things for a while. I remember that I cried a little and I was grateful with them. I love this picture because is funny and it reminds me that my fanily and friends are wonderful and they loves me like


I remember that I made a bucket list with my friends when I was 11 or something. We wrote our goals and many plans to do when we grew up: live together, travel the world together, create a Youtube channel, form a girlband and other things. We have achieved nothing yet. In january I create a mental list the things to do this year like go to concerts, travel, work weekends, take dance lessons and more. Fortunately, I completed some of them. I went to the concerts I always dreamed of and I've traveled a lot to visit my sister.  I'm ok with everything that I have made and enjoyed this year. But, if i have to say things that are more difficult to do, I'd say that I would love to write a song, act in a play, build my own house, meet Beyoncé, travel abroad with my entire family and be the owner of a nightclub or a coffe shop.  I think that some of the thnigs that I mentioned are impossible, and thats because the most of the list requieres a lot of money, 

Tv shows and series

I have to say that I don´t have a favorite tv shows or series. I have seen a few in Netflix and in other sites, but I still haven´t seen one that make me feel that was made for me or something. To be honest, I considere myself a terrible audience, because I get bored fast or I dont have time to watch and enjoy the series or shows. Despite this, I do have clear the types of series and tv showa that I like or that I can put in my list to watch later. The majority of the programms that I've seen were sitcom, becuse were short, funnies and don't requires serious attention. I thinks that I like them because I can be focus on another thing while I enjoy them.  About the stories, I see any kind of it. I'm indecisive and not very picky with what to see, and with the sitcoms this isn't a problem because they presents daily life situations and cotidians problems, then is easy to find a topic or theme to conect with the serie. And thats is another reason to like them . Until now I