I remember that I made a bucket list with my friends when I was 11 or something. We wrote our goals and many plans to do when we grew up: live together, travel the world together, create a Youtube channel, form a girlband and other things. We have achieved nothing yet.

In january I create a mental list the things to do this year like go to concerts, travel, work weekends, take dance lessons and more. Fortunately, I completed some of them. I went to the concerts I always dreamed of and I've traveled a lot to visit my sister. I'm ok with everything that I have made and enjoyed this year.

But, if i have to say things that are more difficult to do, I'd say that I would love to write a song, act in a play, build my own house, meet Beyoncé, travel abroad with my entire family and be the owner of a nightclub or a coffe shop. I think that some of the thnigs that I mentioned are impossible, and thats because the most of the list requieres a lot of money, 


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